Thursday, July 25, 2013

Car ads that got banned — but maybe shouldn’t have

Why do some ads get banned and not others?
Sometimes it’s easy to see why. Other times, not so much.
Like these five car ads, for example. Currently racking up the hits in a YouTube compilation called Best Banned Car Ads of 2013  (video below), most are witty and innocuous, one or two could perhaps be perceived as mildly offensive by extremely sensitive people.
The plug was pulled on these ads for a variety of reasons, from “might be seen as encouraging adultery” to “inappropriate language” to “frightening scenes.” (It’ll be easy to figure out which was which, though they’re all on the tepid end of any of these offences.)
Alas, it’s almost impossible to make something completely disappear these days, and so all of these clips live on on YouTube. Watch these clever ads for Hyundai, VW, Mercedes-Benz and Dodge Durango for yourself and see if you’d have pulled the plug on any or all of them.

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